Gregor Townsend had a kind of reputation that he changed his starting Glasgow XV more frequently in comparison to his underpants, however, the new national coach has a different version of that, according to Townsend, and he couldn’t afford the tactic of the same kind in Scotland.

In a squad announcement Townsend he gave the fact that in the next eight games, that team is going to play, it will play with the World’s top teams and we have to put the best team that we have out there,”.
“During the tournament, the team is going to play with six teams out of the eight top teams all over the world. The team is going to play seven games in the tournament. The seventh team is the South Africa, which is not among the top eight. Therefore, in the fixture, we want to put out our best team.”
“The way the team has performed during the last matches, there is no way we can do experiments. To beat Samoa we need our best team and also to build momentum of all positive, before the game of All Blacks.”
There is a doubt prevails everywhere, that team of Scottish rugby takes a healthier and happier position than it has enjoyed before. The main reason for this is the invasion of talent on a regular basis from the academies.
According to the coach, he not only needs the good number of performing players, those who has the passion for rugby, but also he wanted to create a depth in the team. All he wants is every corner of the team should be strong enough to beat any team.
This is the reason that coach always tries to change faces in the team. His objective is to create the best Scottish team.